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Friday, March 22, 2013

Dao Yin – Guiding and Stretching

Aloha Everyone,
Dao Yin written in Chinese character literally means Dao (guiding) and Yin (stretching).  Dao Yin is regarded as a traditional form of Chinese calisthenics focused on stretching and breathing. 
A series of Dao Yin exercises are usually gentle with  fluid movements done in standing, sitting or lying positions.  Dao Yin exercises are considered a precursor of qigong and it was practiced in Taoist monasteries in China for health and spiritual cultivation.
Dao Yin exercises create balance between internal and external energies.  By doing them in proper sequence, the spirit, mind and body are energized.  One develps flexibility in muscles and tendons, develops over all physical and emotional strength as well as balancing of body and mind.
If practiced regularly under a proper guidance, Dao Yin exercises will help maintain good physical and spritual health.  Clinical studies have shown that there are many health benefits of Dao Yin including improvement of your inner strength, you will gain better balance and flexibility, you will have more energy and gain better coordination.  Dao Yin exercises are used as preventative, curative as well as recupeerative in maintenance and restoration of one’s health and fitness.
Namaste — Cathi

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