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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Profound Benefits of Meditation

Aloha Everyone,

The regular practice of meditation benefits you spiritually, mentally and physically.  If you are new to meditation practice, sit down at least 10 minutes in the morning just before the sunrise and 10 minutes in the evening just before the sunset.  These are considered the “preferred” meditation times.
Health benefits

  1. Reduce stress, leads to a deeper level of relaxation
  2. Bring blood pressure to normal level, reduce anxiety attacks
  3. Enhances immune health
  4. Helps in chronic conditions such as arthritis, allergies
  5. Increases serotonin production associated with obesity, insomnia & depression
  6. Improve your intelligence, awareness, concentration and performance
  7. Slow down aging process
  8. Lowers cholesterol level
  9. Improve lung capacity
  10. Lowers heart rate
  11. Decreases muscle tension, headaches
  12. Helps in post-operative healing

Psychological Benefits

1.    Decreases anxiety and depression
2.    Improves creativity
3.    Experience of joy and happiness
4.    Wisdom
5.    Peace & tranquility
6.    Love & compassion
7.    Improves brain function
8.    Feelings of vitality
9.    Improves emotional stability
10. Improves memory and learning
11. Builds up self-confidence
12. Decreases irritability & moodiness

Spiritual Benefits
       1. Enlightenment
       2.  Self-awareness, self-acceptance
       3.  Discover your true talent, your purpose of life
Here are some of my thoughts on those who meditate and those who do not.

Those who meditate are calm, peaceful, relaxed, focused, mindful, tranquil, trusting of others.  You are comfortable with who you are.  You are happy and feel that you and your life are perfect.  You do not need anything.  You do not want anything.  You truly have everything you need and you are truly content and satisfied.  You are loving and compassionate.  You are honest and you are courageous. You are kind and gentle to yourself and to those who you know and to every living thing and your surroundings. You are truly grateful to everyone and everything.

Non meditators become angry, irritable and small incidents can make them blow up.  Non meditators suffer from jealousy, mental, emotional and physical stress and anxiety, insecurity and restlessness.  They are unsatisfied and suspicious.  They feel that their lives have no real meaning.  Non meditators feel others have things which they are lacking.  Whatever that is not working in their lives are someone else's fault.  They are missing the joy of fully living this moment.

So begin and end your day by sitting down to meditate. 

Sat Nam – Cathi 

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