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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Vinyasa Yoga or Flow Yoga

Namaste Everyone,

I recently took a Flow Yoga class taught by Allison Berlin at the Weber State University in Ogden, Utah. The class was Slow Flow which basically synchronizes movement to the breath. 

This is a type of Yin Yoga, a gentle form of yoga where each pose is held longer. In Allison's Slow Flow yoga class, we probably held for 3 to 5 minutes per pose. The breath is an important component to move from one pose to the next on an inhale or an exhale. In Sanskrit, Vinyasa means "connection" and it is a connection between breath and movement.

Here is what you can do in your home practice. Try not to stop in between poses but continue and flow from one set of movement to the next. Playing slow, meditative music in the background may help with your movements.

1) Cat-Cow 

Begin very slowly at your own pace and eventually go deeper using more powerful breath to feel the connection between your breath and the body.

2) Plank Pose to Downward Dog

Go back and forth with inhalation to Plank Pose and exhalation in Downward Dog.

3) Plank Pose to Cobra back to Plank then to Downward Dog

Now we are introducing one more asana. Be mindful of each movements and each breath. Be sure that you complete one pose, stay at least 6 breaths before moving on.

4) Plank Pose to Cobra, back to Plank to Downward Dog then to High Lunge with right knee forward, back to Downward Dog and then to High Lunge with left knee forward.

These movements are included in sun salutations and you are welcome to do sun salutations as Vinyasa or Flow Yoga. Do each pose slowly hold them at least 6 counts synchronizing with your breath ultimately build up to 3 to 5 minutes per pose. Remember to that you are inhaling and exhaling through your pose. This is a very calm, meditation in motion. There is no set rules or restriction regarding which asana can be done in Vinyasa. Try them out and do them slowly holding each pose longer. You might be able to come up with your own Flow Yoga form.


Improve the strength and flexibility of joints

Helps you be more mindful and relaxed

Increase energy and stamina

Helps with our physical and emotional balance

Relief from everyday stress

Always remember never to overdo. Listen to your body and enjoy.

Sat Nam -- Cathi

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